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Limbua Macadamia News

Composting is invaluable in organic farming as it converts organic waste into nutrient-rich compost or humus, which is vital for plant growth. Here we look at the importance of composting and how we at LIMBUA produce high-quality compost.

From now on we can also offer macadamia nuts, avocado oil and dried mangos with the Demeter certificate.

Today, we would like to give you a glimpse into our unique field team, which serves as the critical interface between LIMBUA and the more than 7,000 valued smallholder farmers we work with.

In June 2023, the time had come: a part of our German LIMBUA team was able to travel to Kenya to get to know our colleagues on site and to take a look behind the scenes of our social business.

Did you know that according to the World Health Organization, an average of 1.6M people get sick due to unsafe food every day?

In May 2023, it's that time again: we're participating in the INC event of the year. The Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC) organizes the International Nut & Dried Fruit Congress.

The topic of sustainability dominates the media almost daily. In agriculture, it becomes more and more important to be considerate of the natural environment and the smallholder farmers as well. 

After four labor-intensive months, this year’s macadamia nut harvest is finished. From February until June, our organically certified smallholder farmers had a lot to do. Learn more about the facts here: